Our Services

Business Law in Ukraine
Business Law
Register, setup and maintain your business. [Read more]
Property Law in Ukraine
Property law
Buy, sell or lease a property in Ukraine. [Read more]
Civil & Criminal Law in Ukraine
Civil & criminal law
Our lawyers can assist you with any unforseen issues. [Read more]
Employment Law in Ukraine
Employment Law
We are experts on employment law, tax etc. [Read more]
Personal Assistance in Ukraine
Personal Assistance
From Translation services to flights and travel. [Read more]

Notary Services
Notary Services
Our in-house Notary will translate and Notarize any necessary documents without any delay or inconvenience to you. [Read more]

Employment Law in Ukraine

We assist foreigners whilst doing business, working or living in Ukraine and Russia with ALL legal matters.

Employment law
Employment law generally refers to the law governing individual employment contracts and individual statutory rights and responsibilities.

Labor law
Labor law generally refers to the law governing union organizing, collective bargaining agreements, and the rights and responsibilities of unions and employers in a collective bargaining relationship.

Employment discrimination law
Employment discrimination law generally refers to the law prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of such characteristics as race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age or disability.


Employment Counseling and Preventive Advice

Regulatory Compliance

Employment Litigation

Class Actions

Disaster Mitigation and Appeals

Global Compensation, Benefits, and ERISA

Labor/Management Relations

International Employment Law

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