Our Services

Business Law in Ukraine
Business Law
Register, setup and maintain your business. [Read more]
Property Law in Ukraine
Property law
Buy, sell or lease a property in Ukraine. [Read more]
Civil & Criminal Law in Ukraine
Civil & criminal law
Our lawyers can assist you with any unforseen issues. [Read more]
Employment Law in Ukraine
Employment Law
We are experts on employment law, tax etc. [Read more]
Personal Assistance in Ukraine
Personal Assistance
From Translation services to flights and travel. [Read more]

Notary Services
Notary Services
Our in-house Notary will translate and Notarize any necessary documents without any delay or inconvenience to you. [Read more]

Property & Real-Estate Legal

We assist foreigners whilst doing business, working or living in Ukraine and Russia with ALL legal matters.

We have native American, English, Italian Ukrainian and Russian team members (residents in Ukraine) to give you the legal help you need, FAST.

Property law

Buying property in any foreign country can be daunting. With our specialist team you have nothing to worry about.

We pride ourselves on maximum due diligence and understand the complex systems and checks that need to be undertaken before any contracts are signed.

All of our team are fluent in English, French, German, native Ukrainian and Russian.

We provide a Fast, modern, direct approach , cutting through the red tap and getting you the results that you need. Some of our services are listed below...

Buying, leasing and selling property

Setup and payment of utilities

Telephone and internet

In-house Notary

Employment law

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